What Our Students Say...
Since 1993, we've prepared thousands of students for their contractor's license exam. Whether it was their first license or an additional license, we provided the tools they needed. We can do the same for you. With offices in the Los Angeles and Orange counties, we offer courses that are simple and effective.
Here we highlight just some of the recent success stories.
"My English is not good. The school gave me extra time to study so that I can pass the test. I feel comfortable with more time. Thank you for helping me." - J. Serrano
"I've been a long time student with AVTI. With their help, I've been able to get my General Building B license, and 2 other additional licenses. Thanks for the support guys." - W. Soong

"I drove all the way from Las Vegas to study with these guys for a few months and with their help, I got my C10 Electrical license." - P. Cholewinski
"My schedule was super busy, but with the online course and the textbooks, I was able to study on my own time and passed the exam on the very first try. Couldn't have done it without you guys, thanks!" - A. Wong

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